About Crystal's Games...

Welcome to my collection of hobby games! These projects are a mix of experiments, course assignments, and game jam entries that I've created over the years. They're not perfect, but they've been a great way for me to learn and have fun with coding. Feel free to explore and check out the code behind them. Enjoy!


Only a few games on here.

Polished Games:

Mr. Brown Ice Breaker 2022
Play here! Game collaboration with Curtis Robinson and art by Lomaking

Math Dungeons 2020
Current, and Super early Prototype. I made it using phaser in 2020. I tried doing a kickstarter to see if anyone was interested in it. I didn't get enough traction so I moved on.

Course Games

Course Project: 3D Hybrid top-down/first-person Tower Defense Game
I made this with a team for my Game Development course at Dalhousie University. MalSalvo’s Last Stand is a tower defense game developed in Unity 3D. It’s a spin on the traditional defense games. In this game, players take up the role of a mad scientist defending their tower from aliens on planets in outer space.
Play Here

Assignment 1: Individual 3D platformer
Video Demo I made this for my Game Development course at Dalhousie University. It's made with Unity using pre-builds provided by the professor. I enjoyed the assignment and found that C# as used in Unity for scripting was no problem. I got 100% on the assignment.

Hackathon Games

Dad Simulator
Built on Unity with a team of 6, I did the carry script for moving laundry/garbage around the house minigames and set up the navMesh and the scripts for the annoying child minigame. Other members did all the amazing 3D models, cooking minigames, UI, etc. Someone was doing a lawnmower minigame but ran out of time. Download Here

Teaboy and Watergirl
Built on Unity for a short game jam. Used an overly complicated platformer controller and it got messed up. Lots of bugs. Play Here

Journey to the East; Silk Road Adventure
Play here! I made this for JS13Kgames 2023. I came in 44th out of 163, which is shockingly good for me. I probably would have done even better except there were still problems with my resizing function on some devices... I probably could have fixed it but I was getting worn out on it. I still haven't fixed it, so if it doesn't resize properly on your screen I'm sorry.

Mirrored Planes
Play here! I made this for JS1024 2022 for my entry I had to cut out the actual game play to make it small enough so it was only a visual experiment that I ended up submitting. I got 24th place.

Incomplete game: Burning Plants
Try here. I guess I didn't really know what to do for JS13k 2022 when the theme was death... I started to go with this idea about killing plants, I was going to have a fire sprite vs a water sprite and you play as the fire sprite. I wasn't really super enthusiastic about the idea so I ran out of time and didn't finish. I helped Curtis with the decentralized part of his entry though so I feel like I participated this year. Curtis' entry the contract I did for him using the js SDK for near protocol.

Human Guild Game Jam
I made a fun platformer game Pretty Lost In Space using LittleJS game engine based on the pretty punks NFT collection on NEAR, it used the NFT marketplace API to pull in the NFT as a pilot based on user account. I got 3rd place, there were only 5 submissions. This is also where I met Curtis.

Jeff's Nightmare
Play here! This was my entry for JS13kgames 2021, I learned just enough of NEAR protocol's documentation to implement a login. I won 10th place in decentralized, mostly because not many people tried to enter the category.

Space invasion simulator
Play here. This was another entry for JS13kgames 2021, I actually spent more time on this than on Jeff's nightmare, I only did that one to prove to myself I could implement the decentralized category. I was told the music was annoying, and it was laggy.

Robot Mission 404
Play here. This was my entry for js13k games 2020, the theme was 404. A choose your own adventure game featuring an amnesiac robot. Controls include arrow keys, y/n, and space, there's also a level editor available to coil members, so they can customize their experience. I made the music with ZzFXM by just basically fiddling around until I found something that sounded okayish... I'm not musical, so don't blame me if it's very basic. This was my postmortem.

Backside Ball
Play the Game!. This was my game submission for JS13k Games 2019. It's also the first HTML5 canvas game I ever made. And the 2nd html/javascript game I ever made. This is my postmortem.

Basic Pong
For my first Pong game, I followed this tutorial. This was my first try at making a javascript game, it gave me the confidence to try something harder.